Cell Name | Field Definition | Data Type | M/O/C? | Example |
1 | RecordType | The Type of the Record; always to contain “CS01 ”. | Fixed string | M | CS01 |
2 | SummaryRecordId | The Identifier (specific to the Message) of the Summary Record. This Identifier shall also appear in the Invoice Detail Records to indicate to which Summary Record the information in each Invoice Detail Record relates. | String | M | 34 |
3 | InvoiceReference | A reference to the formal invoice document that is sent based on the information contained in the Claim Detail Message. In some cases, the formal invoice does not exist when the Claim Detail Message is sent. In such cases, the InvoiceReference shall remain empty. | String | O | DL/09/2018-5 |
4 | RightsControllerName | The name of the Rights Controller for all rights being claimed in for the Sales Context in this Claim Detail Message. The Rights Controller may also be the Licensor. However, some Licensors may represent several Rights Controllers. It is vital therefore in such circumstances that that distinction is understood and reflected in any message formatted in accorance with this Standard. | String | M | MyCo |
5 | RightsContollerPartyId | The PartyId of the Rights Controller | PartyID | M | DPIDA12345SDF::6547996 |
6 | DistributionChannel | The Licensee that generated the DSR (or equivalent) Message on which the information contained in the Claim Detail Messages is based. DistributionChannel needs to be provided if the DSR (or equivalent) Message generated by the Licensee contained sales/usage information relating to multiple distribution channels so that this can be differentiated in the Claim Detail Message.
In most cases, this Cell shall contain the DistributionChannel from the relevant Summary Record of the DSR (or equivalent) Message that the Claim Detail Message is in response to. | String | C | MyCo |
7 | DistributionChannelDPID | The DDEX Party ID of the DistributionChannel. DistributionChannelDPID shall be provided when essential to the commercial relationship being reported on.
In most cases, this Cell shall contain the DistributionChannelDPID from the relevant Summary Record of the DSR (or equivalent) Message that the Claim Detail Message is in response to. | DPID | C | DPIDA12345SDF |
8 | StartOfClaimPeriod | The start of the period for which Right Share Claims are being made (in ISO 8601:2004 format). This is a string with the syntax YYYY[-MM[-DD]]. The period between StartOfClaimPeriod and EndOfClaimPeriod is usually the same period as indicated in the CDMH Record. When a sales/usage report covers longer periods such as a quarter, the period between StartOfClaimPeriod and EndOfClaimPeriod can be used to identify sub-periods for claiming and/or invoicing. StartOfClaimPeriod and EndOfClaimPeriod reflect the reporting period range agreed between Licensee and Licensor and may be the aggregation of several sales/usage periods reported in a DSR (or equivalent) message.
StartOfClaimPeriod must be provided if the Licensor is responding to a DSR (or equivalent) Message that provides separate sub periods. Otherwise the period is specified in the CDMH record. Otherwise the period is specified in the CDMH record.
| ISO date | C | 2014-11-14 |
9 | EndOfClaimPeriod | The end of the period for which Right Share Claims are being made (in ISO 8601:2004 format). This is a string with the syntax YYYY[-MM[-DD]]. The period between StartOfClaimPeriod and EndOfClaimPeriod is usually the same period as indicated in the CDMH Record. When a sales/usage report covers longer periods such as a quarter, the period between StartOfClaimPeriod and EndOfClaimPeriod can be used to identify sub-periods for claiming and/or invoicing. StartOfClaimPeriod and EndOfClaimPeriod reflect the reporting period range agreed between Licensee and Licensor and may be the aggregation of several sales/usage periods reported in a DSR (or equivalent) message.
EndOfClaimPeriod must be provided if the Licensor is responding to a DSR (or equivalent) Message that provides separate sub periods. Otherwise the period is specified in the CDMH record. Otherwise the period is specified in the CDMH record.
| ISO date | C | 2021-11-13 |
10 | CommercialModel | The Type of CommercialModel of the SalesTransaction for which the claim is made or the invoice details are provided. The CommercialModel defines how a Consumer has gained access to a Service or Release/Resource whether for payment or otherwise. In most cases, this Cell shall contain the CommercialModel from the relevant Summary Record of the DSR (or equivalent) Message that the Claim Detail Message is in response to. | AVS | M | PayAsYouGoModel |
11 | UseType | The nature of a Service as used by a Consumer for which the claim is made or the invoice details are provided. In most cases, this Cell shall contain the UseType from the relevant Summary Record of the DSR (or equivalent) Message that the Claim Detail Message is in response to. | AVS | M | PermanentDownload |
12 | Territory | The Territory for which the claim is made or the invoice details are provided. In most cases, this Cell shall contain the Territory from the relevant Summary Record of the DSR (or equivalent) Message that the Claim Detail Message is in response to. | AVS | M | DE |
13 | ServiceDescription | The service name (e.g. a service tier) under which the SalesTransaction took place for which the claim is made or the invoice details are provided. The ServiceDescription may not contain space characters or underscores. The ServiceDescription shall be provided if the Licensee that generated the DSR (or equivalent) Message offers multiple services that need to be differentiated in the Claim Detail Message and should be the same as reported in the DSR (or equivalent) Message that gave rise to the Claim Detail Message. In most cases, this Cell shall contain the ServiceDescription from the relevant Summary Record of the DSR (or equivalent) Message that the Claim Detail Message is in response to. | String | C | PremiumService |
14 | CurrencyOfReporting | The currency used in the DSR (or equivalent) Message to report sales/usages, to which the Blocks referencing this Summary Record are responding to, in the Claim Detail Message. CurrencyOfReporting shall be provided unless the CurrencyOfReporting is the same as the CurrencyOfInvoicing .
| AVS | C | CAD |
15 | CurrencyOfInvoicing | The currency in which the invoice information contained in the Claim Detail Message is being provided. CurrencyOfInvoicing shall be provided when the Claim Detail Message Blocks linked to this Summary record contains invoice information.
| AVS | C | CHF |
16 | ExchangeRate | The Exchange rate used to convert from the CurrencyOfReporting into the CurrencyOfInvoicing . The ExchangeRate shall be provided if the CurrencyOfReporting and theCurrencyOfInvoicing differ. | Decimal | C | 12.34 |
17 | ExchangeRateSource | The source of the ExchangeRate. The ExchangeRateSource shall be provided if an ExchangeRate is provided. | String | C | http://currencyexchange.net |
18 | DateOfCurrencyExchange | The date and time on which the ExchangeRate was determined. The only allowed format is ISO 8601:2004: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD). If an EndDateOfCurrencyExchange is also provided, the DateOfCurrencyExchange provides the start date and time of the period over which the exchange rate was averaged. The DateOfCurrencyExchange shall be provided if an ExchangeRate is provided. | ISO datetime | C | 2014-12-14T10:05:00Z |
19 | EndDateOfCurrencyExchange | The end date and time of the period over which the exchange rate was averaged. The only allowed format is ISO 8601:2004: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD). The EndDateOfCurrencyExchange may only be provided if a DateOfCurrencyExchange is provided. | ISO datetime | C | 2014-12-14T10:05:00Z |
20 | RightsTypeSplitMechanical | The percentage of the MechanicalRight that is applicable to the Musical Works linked to this Summary Record for the Sales Context for the Licensor, Territory and Period. RightsTypeSplitMechanical shall be provided as a decimal with 0 representing 0% and 100 representing 100%.
The sum of RightsTypeSplitMechanical and RightsTypeSplitPerforming must be 100 (i.e. 100%). | Decimal | M | 75 |
21 | RightsTypeSplitPerforming | The percentage of the PerformingRight that is claimed in the Musical Works linked to this Summary Record for the Licensor, Territory and Period. RightsTypeSplitPerforming shall be provided as a decimal with 0 representing 0% and 100 representing 100%.
The sum of RightsTypeSplitMechanical and RightsTypeSplitPerforming must be 100 (i.e. 100%). | Decimal | M | 25 |
22 | TotalMarketShare
| The market share of the Rights Controller compared to all sales/usages in the same Sales Context (as defined in Part 1 of the Digital Sales Report Message Suite Standard). The MarketShare shall be provided as a decimal with 0 representing 0% and 100 representing 100%. | Decimal | O | 60 |
23 | TotalClaimedAmount | The amount due for this Sales/Usage Context. If a CS01 Record is followed by multiple CS02 Records, the TotalClaimedAmount in CS01 is the sum of all TotalClaimedAmount Cells from the following CS02 Records. This is the aggregate of the ClaimedAmount from the CD01 or ClaimedAmountDelta in CD02 . | Decimal | M | 125.00 |